Diamond solitaire ring is something to show off the beautiful diamond to maximum advantage. You need to identify best available deal to get maximum advantage before purchasing diamond solitaire ring for your engagement. First select the required diamond, now look for the ring setting that complements color and shape of the diamond. Solitaire rings can be set in yellow gold, white gold and Platinum which is extremely precious and widely appreciated. You may even create special diamond solitaire ring with the help of bespoke service or select from pre-set solitaire rings.
Setting is the manner in which diamond is held by ring. The most preferred setting for diamond solitaire ring is called prong setting which is also referred as claw setting. More prongs provide more strength to the ring and make it secure. Fewer prongs allow a little more reflection of light on the diamond making it stand out more and creating attractive sparkle. Jabong discount offers are very popular for buying good quality diamonds at a low price.
Besides being a piece of jewelry to keep forever, diamond solitaire ring is also an investment. Wearing diamond pendant is the best way of displaying the diamond and will be more striking than the ring itself. Solitaire or a single diamond will certainly be more costly than its equivalent in terms of carat in smaller diamonds but there can be nothing more glamorous than the dazzling diamond elegantly placed on a beautiful neck.
Pendant is an ideal gift to be presented on any occasion to someone very dear and it would not cost too high if you use Jabong.com. There are various factors that have to be kept in mind while selecting the suitable diamond like any other piece of jewelry.
Most important things to be kept in mind in selecting the diamond are:
- Color – These are graded alphabetically starting from D onwards
- Carat – Size of stone
- Cut – Brilliance with which stone has been created to reflect light
- Clarity – size and the number of blemishes and flaws
Like jewelry, setting plays an important role as it is essential element fir display of the stone. The chain could be of gold or platinum but must be of good quality and complement the stone. It goes without saying that secure clasp is a must. Due attention should be paid towards the length of the chain. You have to keep in mind the build and height of the wearer, the preferences of the person concerning dress and the important occasion on which it would be worn. The tastes, preferences and fashion might change with the passage of time but diamond pendant will never b out of style and will always remain in great demand. So diamond solitaire ring will always remain a good investment.
Most exciting and the best consideration regarding the pendant that gives it clear advantage over ring is that it can be used in different shapes which is not always possible with the rings. Lot of people normally go for marquise shape for the pendants but pear shape still continues to be in great demand.